I love gardening. What does a gardener do when he has no garden? Rips out his grass and starts planting. Ok so I’m re doing my yard and planting season already began which means planting in the grass was the best I could do on short notice. I actually have to tear out all the grass one one side of the yard. No easy task. The yard has two large patches of grass. One side I’ll keep and expand. The other side gets torn out and turned into a garden. I have way to much growing in such a little space right now, but I could not wait. It will improve over the years to come.
This image shows some of what has started to grow. I can’t wait. I love to see them grow everyday. I could just be outside and stare into space/garden and dream. lol If you have any gardening tips, I’d love to hear them. I love hearing how others garden. It’s a wonderful time of year to be outside.
Pak Choy Toy Choy