Making forward steps one at a time is what we are all hopefully doing and striving for. These steps forward don’t have to be anything large like a leap and bound. Each step and how big each step is different for everyone. We all have our challenges and methods to cope with life. Some may be spiritual and others are physical or mental ways or a combination of them all. All of this and I get to my own challenges in life and with running a business. Right now one step at a time is all I can do.
We finally moved into our house about a month ago. It’s a great feeling and I am overly joyous of the huge blessing it is to be living on the property. You see, now I can be a whole lot closer to my shop which has been a challenge all in itself. I had no water for long periods during the build and even longer no electricity. Can you imagine working without electricity? Well, a bit impossible so things were on hold for a while. So again, one step at a time. This past weekend we finally got the electricity back to the shop and I’m excited. It’s finally finished and I can start progressing and taking that one step at a time in a forward motion. I feel rejuvenated and inspired to start thinking again about my next steps in moving forward. It still will only be a small step at a time as I’m still spending lots of time unpacking and organizing, but little by little I will get there. Patience is key and I hope to be more active on showing what I’m up to. Stay tuned and if you have any suggestions I’m willing to listen. :) Take care. Hej Hej.
New subpanel to the left coming from main at the house. The right side is where the electricity was before it was moved to the house.