I like to try and go camping with my son and daughter a few times a year. This year I have not been able to do anything till this past weekend. Mainly it's that I don't trust my jeep anymore now that it's getting old. I prefer going with someone just in case. So we (my son and I and Red our dog) went on a Father and Son's camp out. We really enjoyed our time together. We hiked down a creek bed that was not too easy and had lots of areas that we had to climb around to keep going. We would even pass the dog over to each other through some of the boulder climbing or tough areas. It was a good experience for all of us. For me just being out there with my son is important. It gives us time to be with each other in a different way than in regular everyday life. We make decisions together and are more united. After our fun hike on a nice cool day, we shot a hand made bow made from tamarisk . It was not very powerful, but we had fun just playing around with it. These were good times and I hope we all can create them with the ones we love. Here are some images of our time together.
Father and son's outing