I just love old trade beads. There is something about them that makes me inspired and excited to start creating. I have not done so in a very long time. I pulled out a few beads and it’s starting again. I am wanting to start creating more necklaces with my beads. Some past chokers that I use also have inspired me to make more of them too. Let’s hope it’s enough to push me into action. lol. It’s so relaxing to make them though. I have, off and on, been making beaded necklaces since high school around 30 years ago. It’s more of a hobby, but I can only make so many for myself, right? So as start up again, I’ll start to add them to my site so if you don’t feel up to making them you can just buy them. :)
There are so many cool beads out there. I do my best to make a strong and durable product. I think over the years making jewelry for a living has really helped me develop my skill set as a craftsman. I feel I don’t have to worry so much about the tools and how to go about it. It’s now more about that I have the skill set so what do I create? Anything is possible as long as I have the supplies and imagination. As I’ve gone through my beads I feel that I really don’t have that many. At least not as many as I wish I had. They are quite expensive, but it’s like a bug. I could spend money on beads just because they look cool to me and never use them for anything. So terrible! Well I hope I can start creating something with what I have so it’s not sitting around anymore and so I can go out and buy more. :)
Old looking beads of glass and stone
Here are some of the chokers. The first two in the image are mine from years and years back. I love wearing them even though I get a few strange looks around town. The blurred one in the background is a four strand brass bead, bone and leather choker. I strung it with real sinew cordage that I made. It’s very nice. I hope to vary these up and make a bunch more. These are fun to make and they last a very very long time. Soon I’ll have some available for purchase. Let me know if you have any ideas on a choker that you may like and I’ll see what I can do. That’s it for this month. Just trying to find time to create. Life gets in the way sometimes and it’s hard to get the time I need to be creative. I guess a little here and there is better than nothing. :)
Bone, Brass, and leather chokers